There's A Garter Stitch Short-Row Heel Over The Rainbow

Do you ever find that there’s a, well, slight gap between your knitting expectations and reality?

That’s certainly been the case for me over the past few months. Back in August, I had some big plans to knit all the socks. I cast on with some precious Fab Funky Fibres Neverending Rainbow yarn (I’d been treasuring it for over a year) for our #UseEveryScrapKAL. And I also had plans to knit one, or even two pairs of Jen’s Moorland Socks, September’s Confident Knitting pattern, in our custom FFF Confident Knitting colourways … and had another pair in mind to knit besides! My sock drawer was in need of a refresh, and I had lots of good intentions to restock it.

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Hedera Helix - warm socks for December

I've never been in a charity calendar (and never will), but for the purposes of A Year of Techniques, I'm Mr December. The combination of the deep green colour of the yarn we chose for the project and the tangled cable pattern made me think of the ivy that grew up the side of our shed many years ago. Hedera Helix, the Latin name for ivy, seemed apt.  

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