How to Block Using a Hap Stretcher, Part 1: Square or Rectangular Hap (Photo Tutorial)

We’re all about the blocking at the moment — Excellent Blocking is this month’s featured Confident Knitting technique. This month’s pair of video tutorials creatively use household objects (with the option to use flexible blocking wires) to achieve some really stellar blocking results. Today though, we thought it’d be fun to share a blocking tutorial of a different type from our archives: how to block a square hap!

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How to Win at Yarn Chicken (In Photos)

There comes a time in every knitter’s life when they have to make a decision: can I squeeze one more repeat out of the yarn I have left or do I bind off now? The latter option promises safety and security from that most unpleasant of sensations: running out of yarn halfway through the bind off. But the former holds out the satisfaction of using up as much yarn as possible — particularly tantalising when using a treasured skein of yarn and also pleasing in its avoidance of unnecessary leftovers. What’s a knitter to do? Today’s tip saves you from having to make such a choice … no scales, no tools required, all it takes is a little knot!

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