Summer already feels like a very long time ago. In my corner of the world, the temperatures are falling, the leaves are starting to drop and the kids have long been back in school. But let’s take a moment to pause and look back on the Confident Knitting projects we made this summer. Maybe it was your vacation/staycation knitting? Maybe you did it with a summery drink to hand? Maybe it distracted you from a heat wave, or jump-started your autumn wardrobe planning? It’s fair to say that, for our Confident Knitters, knitting really knows no season, and you all produced some beautiful FOs between June and August. Let’s revisit them!
Patina Scarves, from left to right, knit by Knitalong Hub members SandraJLewis, MsMathey and Planner.
We kicked off the summer with Jeanette Sloan’s show stopping Patina Scarf, and a skill that was new to many… embroidering on your knitting. Trying knitting-adjacent skills can always be a bit scary, but wow, you approached it with gusto and came up with some truly beautiful pieces!
Projects by Jackie, Annarga and Jenna on The Knitalong Hub.
This was one of those patterns that really encourages creativity and customisation. It was so fun to see people putting their own spin on Jeanette’s beautiful design… it was even pillow-fied by Knitalong Hub member Annarga.
Burnished stylings from SevenSullivans, Otto&Alex, KnitTea & JackieP!
Next we turned to embellishment of a different kind, focusing on Vikkel braids with Lily Kate France’s charming Burnished Mittens. There was lots of chat about achieving tidy little braids in the knitalong topic … and some gorgeous mittens resulted in Old Maiden Aunt’s delicious hand-dyed shades, and in some colourways of your own devising!
Lovely Lustrous Shawls by Knitalong Hub members Angi & Bdejong!
We rounded out the summer with another meaty technique: reversible cables, the stars of Noma Ndlovu’s lush Lustrous Shawl! This asymmetrical triangle has an almost architectural quality… and is (as many Confident Knitters demonstrated!) surprisingly quick to knit, with the rows getting ever shorter as you go. It was fabulous to see this pattern come to life and imagine how many folks will be wrapped up cosily this autumn thanks to their August efforts!
Another pair of beauties knit by Roely & Ikumi G!
I mean, look at those cables!
This really only scratches the surface of the beautiful stitches we collectively embroidered, braided and cabled over the summer … if you’ve not had a browse, I highly recommend having a peek in the June, July and August knitalong topics for some really stunning interpretations of the Confident Knitting summer patterns! You can read without signing up, but if you’d like to join the conversation (and we hope you do) you’ll need to make a free account. Massive thanks to all The Knitalong Hub members who allowed us to showcase their work in this post.
And of course, if you’ve not joined Confident Knitting, it’s never too late. We’ve got six months of knitalongs to go (September’s is still going), plus all the knitalong topics stay open indefinitely. So, if you’re tackling a summer pattern, we’d love to hear about it.
Dive into a year’s worth of learning with Confident Knitting for just £20. We also still have summer yarn kits available in the alternative choice colourway with all the yarn you’ll need to complete the patterns shown here! You’ll find all the options over in our Confident Knitting online shop. Happy knitting!